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changing MONEY

changing money.png

Online discussion with Suzanne Dhaliwal, Dr Emily Bacon, Shameran Abed and Oliver Balch (Chair), and a creative provocation by Oana Aristide

Ecology: from the Greek, the knowledge of home

Economy: from the Greek, the management of home

‘As knowledge should come before management, so ecology should come before economy.’
— Jane Davidson, #futuregen - Lessons from a Small Country

What do we talk about when we talk about worthvalue and growth? A just transition to a sustainable ‘One Planet’ form of living will require a radical structural change in how we relate to finance, industry, wealth distribution and perpetual growth economics. But how do we make that happen?

What role might high finance play in creating a greener, low-carbon society? How could businesses find imaginative ways of thriving in a post-growth world? What new models and ideas might best alleviate poverty, and how might the principles of a circular economy become the norm? Wales will soon be trialing a Universal Basic Income — where could this lead us?

At the second event in the ten-day Everything Change programme, we’ll learn about what other innovative and creative economic models are on the horizon, and how they might just make money part of the solution to the climate crisis, not part of the problem.


This event will be broadcast live and include a Q&A session where audiences will be able to join in the discussion.

Booking is essential to access this free, online event.  Live English-language captioning will be available.

The discussion is supported by the British Council as part of the Everything Change programme.

6 June

Abandon Normal Devices Festival: Resurface Talks

16 June

changing ENERGY